
Does Your Child Need Dental Treatment And Do They Need Braces?

October 3, 2022

Dental treatment solves issues related to one’s mouth. Some of these issues are teeth crowding, extra teeth, tooth spacing, and improper bite. These defects are known as malocclusions. Early orthodontics (also known as interceptive orthodontics) begins at the age of six or seven years.

If the problems are not fixed at a young age of a person’s life, it could cause several issues like worn enamel, issues with chewing or speaking or tooth decay.

While only a Dentist can correctly detect whether a child needs braces, there are some telltale signs that indicate the need:

·        Early or late loss of baby teeth

·        Trouble chewing or biting

·        Mouth breathing

·        Finger sucking or other poor oral habits

·        Crowding, misplaced or blocked-out teeth

·        Jaws that make sounds, shift, protrude or are recessed

·        Difficulty speaking

·        Cheek biting or biting into the roof of the mouth

·        Protruding teeth

·        Teeth that fail to meet normally or at all

·        Facial imbalance or asymmetry

·        Teeth grinding or clenching

An early orthodontic evaluation is exceedingly valuable. It enables an orthodontist to help a child identify oral health problems at a young age, so they can be addressed.

At the same time, the evaluation ensures a parent can put the child on the right track toward a healthy, beautiful smile.