
Five Amazing Parts of Your Mouth

January 4, 2023

Your mouth is a complex system. It involves more than just your teeth, gums, and tongue. There are several parts of the mouth, each with unique purposes.


1. Lips and Cheeks

The lips and cheeks are made up of strong muscles which shape the facial expressions. They allow you to smile, frown, kiss and speak. They help you chew, blow bubbles, and breathe. They also act as a guide in keeping your teeth in the right place.


2. Tongue

The tongue is a powerful muscle that contributes to several daily tasks, like swallowing, speaking, and chewing. Most importantly, you can taste your food. It has over10,000 taste buds, which are sensory receptors that allow you to enjoy sweet, salty, bitter, and savoury flavours.


3. Teeth, Gums and Alveolar Bone

The teeth are made up of the crown and the root. The outermost part of the crown is called the enamel, which is the hardest substance in the human body. The root anchors your tooth to your jawbone while the alveolar bone surrounding them stabilizes your teeth. Your gums support your teeth and protect them from decay.


4. Salivary Glands

Saliva is produced by six major salivary glands and hundreds of minor ones. Saliva consists of water, protein and minerals that assist with digestion, but it also neutralizes and washes away the acids created by cavity-causing bacteria. It also keeps your mouth moist so that you can eat, swallow and talk.


5. Temporomandibular Joint

Your temporomandibular joint is located on either side of your face, connecting your jaw to your skull. As a result, you can open and close your mouth and perform other movements. The joint works with your jawbone, facial muscles, and ligaments to create normal functions for your everyday needs.


The best way to keep each of these components working properly is to practice good dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day, flossing and visiting your dentist regularly will help keep your mouth healthy and strong for many years to come!