
Four minutes a day for a healthy smile

October 3, 2022

Maintaining a healthy smile involves a lifetime of daily care. It only takes a few minutes a day to get a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. This involves getting the right oral care products, regular dental checkups, and being mindful of your daily oral hygiene habits.



The recommended time for brushing is two minutes. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft or medium-bristled toothbrush every morning and last thing at night. Brush gently and not vigorously to avoid damaging your gums and teeth.



You can use a tongue scrapper or your toothbrush to clean away the bacteria built up on the tongue. This keeps your mouth clean and improves the oral hygiene.



Dentists recommend flossing at least once a day to remove food debris and bacteria which is stuck in-between the teeth. Floss before brushing, preferably at night.



A healthy balanced diet contributes to healthy teeth and overall health. Eat fruits and vegetables and consider limiting sugary and acidic foods/drinks.

Drink plenty of water and limit between-meal snacks.



You should visit a dentist for checkup every six months. Not only can a dentist catch early signs of cavities, but also spot more severe issues and offer treatment solutions.


24 hours in a day and just 4minutes to be devoted to looking after your teeth every day is a very small price to pay in the long-run. You may well avoid fillings and more serious dental issues in the long-term.