
Interesting Facts About Braces

January 4, 2023

There are some incredible facts about braces that you may not know about!


Fact #1 – Braces are nearly 300 years old

The first set of metal braces was made in 1728 by French physician Pierre Fauchard, consisting of a flat piece of metal connected to the teeth by a thread. About200 years later, dentist Edward Angle created brackets to help correct tooth misalignment more effectively.


Fact #2 – The type of wire used for braces was invented by NASA

Orthodontics made incredible advancements when NASA developed a metal alloy called nickel-titanium in 1959. This was perfect for making flexible wires that can be attached to teeth.


Fact #3 – Smile like an Egyptian

The desire for straight teeth can be traced back all the way to Ancient Egypt! Archaeologists unearthed mummies that have crudely constructed bands of metal around their teeth.


Fact #4 – Braces aren’t just for straightening your teeth

Most people get braces to correct misaligned teeth. However, they can also alleviate other oral health problems, such as difficulty chewing or swallowing, breathing issues and speech problems.


Fact #5 – There are many types of braces

During your consultation, your orthodontist will evaluate your mouth to determine the best type for your smile. Invisalign is a great option for patients who don’t want their braces to be visible.


Fact #6 – All orthodontists are dentists

Every orthodontist is a dentist, but not every dentist is an orthodontist. After dental school, orthodontists specialize in the prevention and treatment of malocclusions and other teeth irregularities.


Fact #7 – Braces are for everyone

Braces are not only for tweens and teens. These days, orthodontic treatment is an option for everyone, regardless of age!


Fact #8 – You might need to bust some myths

You might have heard it said that braces can pick up radio transmissions, attract lightning or that they set off metal detectors — all of these statements are myths and should be disregarded.

We hope you found these facts interesting and that they’ve helped you realize that braces are nothing to be scared about.