
Medical Emergencies In Dental Practice

March 1, 2023

An emergency is a serious and unexpected situation requiring immediate action.

Medical emergencies in dental practice are those adverse medical events that may present in the course of dental treatment. Basic life support is required to manage many emergency situations.

Preparation and practice, along with reviewing patients’ medical histories and vital signs, will help the dental team assess risk and appropriately respond to medical emergencies. 

The most common medical emergencies in dental practice are:

1.      Syncope (Fainting)

2.      Hypoglycaemia

3.      Hyperventilation (Panic Attack)

4.      Epileptic Seizures

5.      Asthmatic Attack

6.      Chest Pain of Cardiac Origin (Angina Pectoris)

7.      Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

8.      Allergies

9.      Airway Obstruction (Choking and Aspiration)

The goal is to manage the patient’s care until he or she recovers fully or until help arrives. The most important aspect of almost all medical emergencies in dentistry is to prevent or correct insufficient oxygenation of the brain or heart.

The dentist or a staff member needs to position the patient appropriately. He or she then needs to assess and, if needed, manage the airway (A), breathing (B) and circulation (C).

Adequate staff training and availability of appropriate drugs and equipment are essential in the management of emergencies that may arise in the dental clinic.

All members of the dental team should have current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification. Yearly refresher courses are recommended.

Reference material such as Medical Emergencies in the Dental Clinic should be kept handy.